

We are all essentially the same, yet each of us is exceptionally unique. Keeping this in mind, we have created a suite of club activities that help the child get a solid introduction into various fields. Apart from improving their life skills, and giving them a basic knowledge on various subjects, this activity also opens up a myriad of vocational options!

Unbeknownst to us, we may have a gifted opera singer, a contemporary artist par excellence, a Michelin star chef or celebrity motivational speaker in our own school! To make sure that these kids are given an opportunity to find their calling, the club activities, run by established professionals in their respective fields, give children an amazing opportunity for learning and development!

The clubs currently available for our students are:

• Dance

• Western Music

• School Band

• Cooking

• Arts and Crafts

• Public Speaking

• Martial Arts

• Indoor Games

These activities happen during the school day, to show the children the importance of these activities in their all-round education.
