Union Christian Public School

Primary (1 - 5)

Primary education builds the foundation for all future learning by teaching essential reading, writing, and math skills. These early abilities are vital for understanding more complex subjects later on. By fostering a love of learning and curiosity from the start, primary education encourages a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and personal growth. Students learn important values like respect, responsibility, and teamwork, which shape their character and social skills. This is where children discover their strengths and potential.

Primary (1 - 5)

Primary education builds the foundation for all future learning by teaching essential reading, writing, and math skills. These early abilities are vital for understanding more complex subjects later on. By fostering a love of learning and curiosity from the start, primary education encourages a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and personal growth. Students learn important values like respect, responsibility, and teamwork, which shape their character and social skills. This is where children discover their strengths and potential.